Erasmus+ Registration

Kindly fill in the (long) form below. Please make sure that all the data is entered correctly since we will be using these data to purchase flight tickets and insurance. Any extra expenses incurred due to typos on this side, need to be covered by your good selves. It is a long-form, so please feel… Continue reading Erasmus+ Registration

Categorised as Erasmus+

Laqgħa għal-ġenituri

Niltaqgħu nhar is-Sibt 20 ta’ Jannar fis-7.15pm fis-sala. Ser niddiskutu l-proġetti tal-Grupp għal dis-sena, b’mod partikolari l-Erasmus+ Mobility. Nitolbukom tindikaw l-attendenza tagħkom. Il-laqgħa hi importantissma. Wara nieħdu xi ħaġa flimkien.

Categorised as Events

Valletta Christmas Village

Instead of the baking (as notified earlier) on the 8th of December we are going to Valletta for some Christmas shenanigans. We will take the ‘3’ from Kalkara at 18:50 and return with the ‘3’ of 22:45. Thus we meet at 18:30 and we should be back by 23:30. As always we will keep you… Continue reading Valletta Christmas Village

Categorised as Events

Trip to Valletta

Programme What to get? We would appreciate it if you could help us with carpooling both to and fro the ferry departure/arrival point

Categorised as Events