Autumn Live-In

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Laqgħa għall-ġenituri

Nistiednu l-ġenituri jikkonfermaw l-attendenza tagħhom għal-laqgħa obligatorja ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa 19 t’ Awwissu is-Sibt 8 t’ Ottubru fis-7.00pm

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Summer Live-In

Saturday 3rd September @ 10 am – Monday 5th September @ 3pm Location: St. Paul’s Bay – Augustinians’ summer house Beach activities + Psycho-spiritual Formation + Fun activities Living teamwork Jam-packed programme 2 guest speakers Reserved only to those members registered with our group by Friday 12th August Closing date to register for the live-in:… Continue reading Summer Live-In

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Beach Time – 5th August

Programme: Meet near the church’s parvis (zuntier) @ 5pm Walk towards to beach Swim & Eat a ‘ftira’ Arrive back @ 9pm

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