Erasmus+ Registration

Kindly fill in the (long) form below. Please make sure that all the data is entered correctly since we will be using these data to purchase flight tickets and insurance. Any extra expenses incurred due to typos on this side, need to be covered by your good selves.

It is a long-form, so please feel free to save it and continue another time. However, we strongly suggest you dedicate a good 10 minutes and do it at one go. Please prepare handy:

  • Child’s Passport
  • Child’s EHIC (e111) card
  • Child’s Youth card (Agenzija Zghazagh)
  • Child’s ID Card Details
  • Child’s medical history and proof of such
  • Your Passports & ID cards
  • Civil papers if single custody
  • Kindly read carefully the consents and agreements

Once the form is submitted, you shall receive a PDF. Kindly print it, initialise it where it is indicated, and sign it at the end. Please bring this consent form at your earliest together with the refundable deposit of EUR 150 (more details below).

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